Eagle Sky Media Limited 力天媒體有限公司 | KOL Marketing
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KOL Marketing

KOL is also known as Key Opinion Leader, or Influencer.

KOL marketing is one of the most popular and effective promotional methods in recent years. Advertisers are able to use the influence of KOL for online promotion.
KOLs use social media such as Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and etc. to share their feelings and opinions about the products or services to make their sponsor’ brands and promotions more accessible and impressive to their fans.

KOL marketing is the most effective way of marketing, which utilizes the various advantages of new media in terms of coverage and influence.

We have over a thousand KOLs in various fields, such as the fashionistas, makeup creators, travel and food bloggers, celebrities and etc. We have worked with different brands and are able to provide tailor-made promotional solutions for our clients to choose the right KOLs.

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